How to Write a Blog Post in 2024: The Ultimate Guide

Either way, a WordPress blog grants you and your blog the flexibility to be as ornate or austere as you desire. It’s worth noting that we also use this blog to share many of our YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok vlogs with our dedicated blog audience, which amplifies our creations much better than social media alone. Your first blog post needn’t be a grandiose mission statement. And your first blog post doesn’t have to be a vapid, self-involved introduction to your blog. Once you’ve started a blog, you are no longer reliant on other people’s platforms.

work blog

Still have some unanswered questions about blogging? Below are the most common questions I get about starting a new blog. If you can’t find an answer to your question here, feel free to send me an email via my contact page, or leave a comment below. Once you have put in the effort of creating great blog content and promoting your blog, making money from your blog is actually the easy part. Keep in mind that with a brand new blog your traffic will be minimal to start with.

The Top 5 Best Practices For Managing Remote Teams in 2022 and Beyond

Once you’ve decided on a domain name, you’ll need to set up hosting for your blog. While WordPress itself is free (see Step 2 below), you need a reliable place to host your WordPress blog (your blog needs to be on a server somewhere on the Internet). These are the exact steps we took when we created this website. If you follow these five steps, you will learn how to set up a blog in less than one hour. You can find the best remote work blogs on Reddit, Hub pages, and Feed spot.

  • Some bloggers make hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  • He is the founder and CEO of Automattic, the company behind, WooCommerce, Tumblr, WPVIP, Day One, Texts, and Pocket Casts.
  • I do my best with nutrient-dense meals, of course, but AG1 further covers my bases with vitamins, minerals, and whole-food-sourced micronutrients that support gut health and the immune system.
  • You started a blog, and now it’s time to start blogging.
  • Websites, however, are often broken down into inner explanatory pages, each with varying purposes.

However, a blog has a lower barrier of entry (no cameras, lighting, or microphones required), which makes it easier to start blogging today. Whatever you decide, we recommend you stay consistent. Setting a weekly schedule helps you create accountability partners (your readership) so you feel compelled to write even when you don’t want to write. If you have a genuine desire to share your creativity with the world, then it’s one of the best “time investments” you can make.

iOffice Blog

Jon does just that by knocking you over the head with some hard truth bombs about what it takes to make it as a blogger. So pour your readers a little espresso for their info-hangover by delivering the unexpected. But then the fourth subhead suddenly changes the format and breaks the flow. It doesn’t start with a verb and it’s much longer than the others. If you separate your subheads from the post and list them back to back, you can see if any stray from the course.

Give your readers a beginner’s guide to your industry’s terminology. For example, when I first started out in editorial, I went on the hunt for blogs that defined what “heds,” “deks,” and “ledes” were. You’ll also find work-from-home guides for all kinds of jobs. FlexJobs has a remote work blog lot of guides for in-demand work-from-home jobs, from virtual assistant positions to software development roles. If you need advice for remote leadership or C-level positions, the FlexJobs blog offers that, too. Zapier also has articles about popular apps aside from their own.

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